How to get the best tummy tuck results?

The world today moves and evolves at a very fast pace. There is hardly any time when a person is free except when he/she sleeps. Due to lack of time and over-burden of job, society, and family, a person often fails to take care of him/herself. All are running in a never-ending race in today’s time, which doesn’t let them stop and have a look at themselves. Unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits are two of the most important factors which affect a human being the most. People rely on junk food, have no proper schedule of eating, and often end up catching diseases. Not only your body gets affected physically, but mentally as well. Obesity is one of the most common problems which occur due to unhealthy eating habits.

Obesity is the accumulation of excessive fat tissues in your body. People may have fat all over the body or in certain parts of the body. Our stomach area is one such body part that accumulates most of the fat. No matter to which age group you belong, excessive fat on your tummy can come at any time.

A big bulgy and fat tummy is a source of embarrassment to almost everybody. Whether you are a man or a woman, you won’t like it. Particularly if you are a woman, you may be more conscious about your figure. To get rid of this problem, people tend to follow diet and exercise. But sometimes the fat tissues are not removed by these methods. The medical field has given an alternate option for people who are unable to see any results after a lot of exercise and a healthy diet.

Tummy Tuck Surgery

If exercises and diet are not working for you, do not worry! The medical professionals are always there to help you. A tummy tuck surgery, also called Abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that not only removes excess fat tissue from your stomach area but also removes the extra loose skin. During the surgical procedure, first, small incisions are made through which liposuction is performed to remove fat and shape up the area. Next, skin is raised off the stomach muscles. The next step is tightening up your stomach muscles. Last is, pulling down and cutting off excess skin and stitching it in a new place. The belly button is preserved and re-inserted at a predetermined position.

Now here the trick is that not all doctors will follow the same procedure for the surgery. To get the best results of a tummy tuck surgery, tightening of the stomach muscles is a must as it flattens the stomach and gives a precise and more natural look. There are some factors and important things which you should check whether your surgeon is following or not. Have a glimpse of some factors which would ensure you the best results of a tummy tuck surgery:

•  During the surgery, over dissecting the flap is not recommended because it gives an unusual shape to the stomach.

•  A natural belly button will require carefully choosing the location and then shaping it for reinsertion.

•  Bulges or excess fat on the sides of the scar area where the tummy tuck has been performed should be avoided.

•  Last but not the least, during the time of closure it should be done in multiple layers. It is the deeper layers which ensure tension less scars which will remain thinner.

The above-mentioned points are the factors that need to be kept in mind during the surgery. Apart from this, once your surgery has been completed, the recovery period is what makes the results more natural.

If you are visiting the right surgeon, he will suggest you some precautions and medications to be followed immediately after the treatment. The experienced and certified medical professionals at recommend that you should try to walk even with some pain after the surgery. A little pain will persist until sometime due to local anesthesia and surgical procedure performed.

Although you should not perform any strenuous activity until you feel comfortable enough and your doctor recommends you to do so. If proper precautions are followed until you heal properly, your tummy tuck surgery results will be amazing and as per your expectations.

It is important that you ask questions and clear all your doubts. Also ask for before and after images of the previous surgeries done by the surgeon, so that you get a clear idea of how the results will look. We advise you to meet your surgeon before deciding on a tummy tuck surgery on your own. For any queries, contact us at

Dr. Sumit Malhotra is the best cosmetic plastic surgeon in Lucknow and is famous for his exceptional techniques used in treating his patients. With 19+ years of experience, Dr. Sumit Malhotra fully understands the human body and applies the appropriate technology needed to treat the patient’s body parts according to their desires. Dr. Sumit Malhotra currently practices in SIPS, Superspeciality Hospital, Lucknow where he has been operating since 2005.

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