Body Cosmetic Procedures and Surgeries in Lucknow

Body Surgery

Dr. Sumit Malhotra's approach to cosmetic and plastic surgery is distinctive in that he focuses on changing not just your outward look but also your beliefs and perceptions of your body. He takes you towards body positivity and leaves you with a good feeling about it. His meticulously selected and tailored procedures are less intrusive, have less side effects, and need less time to recover from. Usually, you work hard to maintain your body in shape, but occasionally you don't achieve the results you want. However, procedures like liposuction or a tummy tuck may help you greatly. Your motivation to maintain a balanced diet and exercise routine to manage your weight might come from the favorable outcomes of these procedures.


Liposuction also known as lipoplasty or liposculpture, is a process used to break up and remove extra fat from certain body parts, such as the hips, arms, back, neck, thighs, and abdomen.

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Tummy Tuck

The procedure known as a "tummy tuck," in the medical terms referred to as an "abdominoplasty," flattens the abdomen by removing excess skin and fat and tightening the muscles in your abdominal wall.

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Body Lift

A body lift enhances the underlying tissue's form and tone, which supports skin and fat. The procedure(s) can enhance a bumpy, uneven skin surface by removing extra sagging skin and fat.

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Mommy Makeover

Restoring a woman's body's form and attractiveness after childbirth is the aim of a mommy makeover. After giving birth, many women feel physical changes in their bodies. Numerous body parts can be treated, and they are the breasts, belly, waist, genitalia, and buttocks that are targeted.

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Vaginal Rejuvenation

The term "vaginal rejuvenation" covers a wide range of vaginal corrective procedures. These procedures can be used for aesthetic purposes or to address age-related issues including urine incontinence and a loss of vaginal tightness.

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Liposuction also known as lipoplasty or liposculpture, is a process used to break up and remove extra fat from certain body parts, such as the hips, arms, back, neck, thighs, and abdomen.

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Tummy Tuck

The procedure known as a "tummy tuck," in the medical terms referred to as an "abdominoplasty," flattens the abdomen by removing excess skin and fat and tightening the muscles in your abdominal wall.

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Body Lift

A body lift enhances the underlying tissue's form and tone, which supports skin and fat. The procedure(s) can enhance a bumpy, uneven skin surface by removing extra sagging skin and fat.

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Mommy Makeover

Restoring a woman's body's form and attractiveness after childbirth is the aim of a mommy makeover. After giving birth, many women feel physical changes in their bodies. Numerous body parts can be treated, and they are the breasts, belly, waist, genitalia, and buttocks that are targeted.

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Vaginal Rejuvenation

The term "vaginal rejuvenation" covers a wide range of vaginal corrective procedures. These procedures can be used for aesthetic purposes or to address age-related issues including urine incontinence and a loss of vaginal tightness.

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